
博物館が開館しました!The Museum has OEPNED!!

SITE 1 Exhibition of ore samples


The Museum of Mineral Resources Frontier “MINERAFRONT”  has opened.


私たちが準備を進めてきた博物館が5/13(土)にオープンしました.5/13, 14は東大の五月祭ということもあり,多くの方が見に来てくださいました.

The museum was in preparation for a long time and finally opened on May 13. Since the May Festival of the University of Tokyo was held on May 13 and 14, many people came to see the museum.



Many beautiful mineral collections from mines in Japan are on display. We look forward to seeing you there. Please check the Minerafront website for information about the opening days and times.

SITE 1 Entrance

SITE 1 Exhibition of seafloor mineral resources

SITE 2 Entrance